
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Destination: Malaysia part 2 - Road to Sepang Circuit

I'm trying to wrote this in Bahasa to give other variations for you to read...
OK then let's do this...

Berlanjut dari Hotel Allson Klana di Putra Nilai....
Terbangun jam 6.00 pagi waktu Malaysia untuk sholat subuh. Waktu disini sama dengan waktu di Balikpapan, jadi aku nggak perlu repot buat mengganti settingan jam tanganku. Bedanya dengan Balikpapan, disini subuh sekitar 5.30-6.00 kalo di Balikpapan jam 4.30-5.00 yah beda satu jam laah... Selanjutnya habis subuh tidurlah kembali sekitar satu jam... Hehehe (kebiasaan ini sepertinya).

Bangun lagi jam 7.00 pagi... Mandi, sikat gigi... Wait!!! Pasta giginya manaaa?! Wah parah nih Hotel nggak nyediain pasta gigi. Terpaksalah...
Lanjut sarapan sampe sekitar jam 8an... Coz blom beli tiket buat nonton motoGP jadi harus berangkat pagi *pikirku*. Segala siap, kamera siap, dompet siap, jaket siap, kunci kamar siap, sikat gigi siap, laptop siap *demi keamanan daripada ditinggal di hotel* (bodohnya laptop dibawa-Mac white ini ampuuun beratnya). Akhirnya keluar kamar ke lobby buat pesen taksi.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector

I am on my way to chase this certificate. Wish me luck friends. When I wrote this I feel so bored to read all of these standards to be studied because you know, read all of standards for inspections or constructions is not as captive as reading Harry Potter or Sherlock Holmes novels that once we read we couldn't stop till its end.

Many formulas there, a lot of requirements to be understand to make or inspect Pressure Vessel in order to meet the standards, and the worst thing is when you read the standards it is not in a good order, sometimes you need to go back and forward your standard page book to understand some requirements. I think reading these should be the best way to cure insomnia... :p

The exam will be held on 1 December 2010 all over the world by ICP (Individual Certification Program) API (American Petroleum Institute). These are the reference to be studied based on Standards Activity Sheet that they have published:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Destination: Malaysia part 1 - Arrival

Actually below activities was done on 9 October 2010.....
Let's imagine going back at that time...

This is my first time to go to Malaysia. Arrive in KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) on Saturday.
My training schedule is monday morning. I arrived two days before because I want to see MotoGP at Sepang. Yeeaay... Based on news analysis, my favorite Lorenzo will be the world champion if he could get best three on this race and I will see that moment live.

First thing to buy in KLIA was SIM Card for my phone. My old SIM card couldn't be used here, so sorry when it said on Telkomsel slogan "Begitu dekat begitu nyata (so close so real)". Aah.. you're so far and so unreal now.. Hehehe... Then I buy TuneTalk for 5 RM with balance inside about 3 RM. Very reasonable price.
I can speak now, but I realize that my stomach was speak to me too. I am looking around and found restaurant called Asian taste. Maybe I should try the food there. I try Nasi Lemak and it costs 8 RM. The taste was good but I don't like the place. It is not neat.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Preparing abroad

After establishing my connection on this month. At last I can share my stories again. Last time I use WiFi to write this blog by hang out in cafe buy a cup of coffee, some snacks, and spend some money of course. Hehehe...But finally I can get more closer with my blogs by using Telkomsel Flash. It took some money too but cheaper than my method before. Thanks to Telkomsel.

This is my past experience about preparation on going abroad. Actually my purpose at that time was preparation training of API 510 exam. So what should be prepared?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Magnetic Tomography Method

Someday before I was invited by my colleagues to attend presentation from one of NDT company that offer us a new method of inspection. They called it Magnetic Tomography Method (MTM).

Generally it is used to inspect the unpiggable line, but it is not limited to that purpose only I suppose.

Lets discuss this method by looking on term Magnetic Tomography. Magnetic is obviously using magnet, meanwhile tomograph is image created by some kind of energy. So, magnetic tomography method is the method that use magnetic field to create an image of stress distribution. These stresses indicate cracks, bends or other defects.

Application of this equipment is by putting on magnetometer to the top of the pipe or other equipments that you want to inspect. Usually need 2 operators to operate this machine: 1 for collecting the data via magnetometer and other one is to give direction by using GPS (if some equipments are buried). It can detect up to 20xD maximum distance from equipments to be inspected and magnetometer.

How far the stresses are acceptable? These informations they said include in their so called "black box". Up until I wrote down this post I still don't understand what is the mechanism of this black box or what is the standard used is it ASME, API or other else? These questions can't be answered during presentation because they said that data during inspections will be transfered to Russia for further analysis.

After analysis done, reports come with results matrix of severity. We could know where are the area that have damage more severe than others. Basically it is a screening equipment, so when you want to know an accurate results of inspection should be another way to cover the screening such as when you inspect buried pipeline it should excavate or if the equipments are insulated you need to remove insulation to inspect it further more.